Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Stall Booking

1. Applications for bookings will be taken for the Droitwich Spa Food and Drink Festival occurring on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June 2019.

2. The full stall fee as outlined in the booking form is payable no later than 20 April. Although applications may be accepted after this date, failure to pay and apply by 20 April will result in your business not being included in all printed and online listings.

3. All applications for bookings will be considered and will be accepted entirely at the discretion of the Food and Drink Festival organisers whose decision is final. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent to you along with an invoice advising how you can make payment. The application form is not valid unless completed in full and signed. By signing the application form you agree to comply with these conditions.

4. Stallholders requiring electricity must book and pay for this using the stall booking form

5. In the event of a cancellation, we regret refunds will not be given.

6. No refunds will be given to stallholders if the festival cannot take place because of bad weather or ground conditions or for any reason beyond the control of the organisers; a change of performance programme or necessary re-siting of stalls. The festival organisers will not accept responsibility for the level of trading during the event.

7. You will need to apply for a Temporary Events Notice (TEN) if you want to carry out a licensable activity serving and selling alcohol. If you are only sampling for offsite consumption then you will be covered under the festivals licence for example: A little taster sample leading to the purchase of a bottled gift to take home. The Festival Organiser will contact stallholders wishing to sell alcohol, under the terms of the licence, to complete an Alcohol Agreement Form. Any stall wishing to trade from a bar and/or selling alcohol for immediate consumption, will need to contact the Festival Organiser before booking.

Stallholder Requirements and Responsibilities

8. All exhibitors must possess Public Liability Insurance cover and must produce documentary evidence to that effect, this must be sent with the application, or no later than the 1st March 2019

9. Stallholders are expected to comply fully with the relevant legislation in respect of Food Safety, Trading Standards and Health and Safety of Worcestershire Regulatory Services (for further advice call 01905 822799). Stalls may be inspected during the event and those deemed not to comply with relevant regulations may be shut down.

10. Services offered, articles sold and any vehicles brought into the Festival area are at the risk of the stallholder. In particular the stallholder is at all times responsible for the safety of all items sold and/or held at the stall. The Droitwich Spa Food and Drink
Festival cannot accept liability for any damage to or loss of any items howsoever caused.

11. Stallholders need to indicate on the booking form whether they perceive any health and safety risks and, if so, submit a risk assessment. Any stalls selling temperature controlled foods and/or cooking on the stall will be required to submit a risk assessment.

12. All power will be supplied by generators on site and
connected to stalls that have requested and paid for power.
The use of generators is strictly forbidden. Stallholders must request electricity supply at time of application and all electrical items intended to be used must be listed on the stall booking form. Stallholders will be required to comply with an electricity supply agreement which will be sent to you following receipt of the stall booking form.

13. All gas equipment must be covered by a valid gas certificate issued by a registered gas engineer.
This certificate must be available for inspection at the event.

14. Any equipment used for cooking/heating must be placed in a position which is not accessible by the public, particularly children. It must also be placed on a stable surface in a position which does not present a risk of injury to stallholders, their staff or anyone involved in the operation of the event.

15. Stallholders must provide fire safety equipment on their stands appropriate to their activities.

16. All stallholders must comply with directions and instructions issued by the Droitwich Spa Food and Drink Festival and the official stewards. Failure to do so may result in their removal from the event.

Event Operations and Facilities

17. It is important that a good mix of stalls and merchandise is provided. The Food and Drink Festival Organisers committee will allocate appropriate pitch positions at its discretion.

18. Stallholders may set up during the morning from 7.00am – 9.30am. All vehicles must be moved out of The Lido Park into a designated exhibitor car park immediately after unloading. Stallholders will be notified of their designated car park in the exhibitor information pack.

19. Stallholders must have their stalls set up and manned at all times during the opening hours. Stalls must be set up by the time the Festival opens and must not be dismantled before it closes.

20. Access for vehicles is available at set-up times between 7.00am – 9.30am and break down of stalls on Sunday after 5pm.
VEHICULAR ACCESS IS NOT AVAILABLE AT ANY OTHER TIME other than for emergency vehicles.

21. Exhibitor toilets and hand wash facilities will be available in The Lido Park, please ask where they are situated if unsure.

22. Stallholders will be expected to keep their stalls and surrounding areas as clean as possible during the event and place their rubbish in the waste bins provided at the end.

23. There will be no mains connection for water, details of water supply will be listed in our exhibitor packs.

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